Our experience

We have long experience of traditional marketing communications as well as of communication in social media. We know how journalists work. Food and wine are also close to our hearts, and we have a number of clients who represent these areas. We have also experiences in the fields of home decoration, education, and finance. We have helped several b2b companies as well.

We have PLANNED AND EXECUTED events, product communications, press conferences and corporate communications for our customers. Among other things, we have

HANDLED OUR CUSTOMERS’ DAILY MEDIA RELATIONS and in this way strengthened the company’s image.

UPLIFTED THE VISIBILITY OF A BIG FINANCIAL OPERATOR with the launch of the company’s new image

PLANNED AND EXECUTED CELEBRATION OF ANNIVERSARIES with all sorts of program for several customers

ASSISTED COMPANIES IN THE FIELD OF INTERIOR DECORATION, TECHNOLOGY, CONSUMABLES AND LITERATURE. We have helped them in launching new shops, collections and products

PLANNED AND EXECUTED several, also annually recurring campaigns successfully

PRODUCED AND UPDATED OUR CUSTOMERS WEB PAGES, see for example www.winecellars.fi and www.saksanviinitiedotus.fi, as well as their FACEBOOK SITES.

Since 1995 also operated as the REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GERMAN WINE INSTITUTE IN FINLAND, handling their media relations, interest group relations etc.